The RidgeRun Real Time Video Stabilization Library is the most advanced video stabilization library from RidgeRun. It supports live video stabilization thanks to movement data from accelerometers and gyroscopes in an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and cutting-edge and state-of-the-art algorithms. This library makes the most of the platform, using C++ and allowing hardware-accelerated execution through SIMD CPU instructions, OpenCL and CUDA. It can run on personal computers (PC), servers and embedded systems, making it ideal for empowering your drone, robotics, surveillance and entertainment applications. The RidgeRun Video Stabilization Library aims to be easy to use, extensible, cutting-edge and hardware-accelerated for professional and production-ready products.
The RidgeRun Video Stabilization Library has the following features:
- Hardware-accelerated through OpenCV, OpenCL or CUDA.
- Support for Inertial Measurement Units (accelerometers and gyroscopes).
- Live and offline video stabilization.
- Adequate for embedded systems based on Qualcomm and NVIDIA.
- GStreamer capable.
Supported Backends
The RidgeRun Video Stabilization Library can run on platforms with the following configurations:
- CPU-based OpenCV: for basic functionality.
- GPU-based OpenCL: for GPU-based hardware acceleration.
- NVIDIA CUDA: for GPU-based acceleration.
For more information please check the RidgeRun Developers entry for the IMU Video Image Stabilizer .